Tuesday 26 April 2011

The ALLY Receives Rave Reviews From Test Riders...

“Thank you to everyone for making the 2011 LA Abilities Expo an exciting and joyful experience.  Thank you to the Abilities Expo staff for squeezing us in at the last moment, to the kind vendors who helped welcome us into their network of friends, and most especially to the attendees that let us be part of their lives.  To see your excitement about the ALLY when you first saw it; and then the nervous incredulity when you first sat on it; and then the pure elation as you experienced the ease and liberation of the ALLY test ride was truly a joy to be part of.  Thank you to those who offered insightful recommendations for slight modifications that will make the ALLY fit more comfortably particularly with the arm rests, foot rests, and the seating ‘pocket’.  We have taken those recommendations to heart and have modifications to announce shortly so keep an eye on our web and blog.  We look forward to working with you so that you too can have your own, personal ALLY.”

“Reviews from the LA Abilities Expo are in and from disbelief to shear excitement, here is a sampling:

- “This is so cool!”
- “Why do I feel like I’m floating?”
- “This is so remarkable!”
- “This is the ride from outer space!”
- “Super intuitive.  Remarkable engineering.”
- “This is a revolutionary product…totally worth it.”
- “Terrific!  The best at the show!”
- “Incredible Engineering!”
- “This is it? That’s all that I need to do to ride this? Well that’s easy!  I can do this!”
- “It goes how fast?!?”
- “I could go just about anywhere with this thing!”
- “Will it go on sand?  I mean, can I take it on the beach?” – With the big tires, absolutely!
- “I am using core muscles I haven’t used for years!  I love it!”
- “Look what I can do!”
- “I am so glad that someone finally figured it out!”
- “I definitely have to get one.”


Everyone loved test riding the ALLY at the Abilities Expo in LA

1 comment:

  1. I used to think that Paolo Badano's chair couldn't be beat. Not anymore. Good work guys.
